Defibrillator on site
5AU has a defibrillator for the general public to use in the event of sudden cardiac arrest.
We are located at 6 Denton Court, Port Augusta, and are open Monday – Friday.
The Heart180 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is designed to be used by anyone, with clear step-by-step voice instructions that can guide members of the public through the process.
Heart disease is a leading cause of death in Australia, with those who suffer a sudden cardiac arrest having a 6 per cent chance of survival in Australia. However early defibrillation can increase survival to 70 per cent.
The Defib is part of ARN’s ongoing commitment to providing a safer work environment and continuing to drive its commitment to be hyperlocal and supporting its local community.
Click here to view more information about the Heart 180 defibrillator.