
Snowtown murder accomplice set for release in May

February 22, 2024 11:08 am in by
Photo: 7 News

The parole board have signed off on the release of Snowtown murder accomplice Mark Haydon, after determining he has a low-risk of re-offending.

His 25-year prison term comes to an end on 20 May, with requirements including electronic monitoring, regular reports to authorities, and a 9pm-6am curfew.

Ahead of his release, new laws were fast-tracked through South Australian Parliament to protect the public.

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These laws will allow for extended supervision orders, including ankle bracelets and curfews.

Attorney General Kyam Maher says the new laws will keep a close eye on violent offenders once they’re released.

“If you’ve assisted an offence afterwards, or hindered a police investigation, you will automatically be defined as a high-risk offender and will be subject to these additional supervisions in the community,” Mr Maher says.
