
Surprising Asian Destination Increasing in Popularity for Aussie Travellers

June 21, 2024 9:58 am in by

While Japan and South Korea have seen a huge boost in tourism, especially among Aussies, there’s another Asian destination on the rise: Malaysia.

Malaysia is not just a great stopover but is emerging as a great holiday hotspot in its own right, which has been highlighted in Expedia’s Holiday Value Guide.

This guide features popular overseas destinations offering fantastic value for Aussie winter travel.

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Malaysia is now ranked sixth on the list, with Japan jumping into first place, ahead of Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and South Korea.

The guide is jam packed full international destinations for Australian travelers where the average daily accommodation rates are under $300, whilst considering things like accessibility, experiences, and activities on offer.

Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur, is only a nine-hour direct flight from Sydney or just a short five hours from Perth. The incresingly popular destination also only has a two-hour time difference (AEST) between Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Expedia describe the destination as an underrated foodie heaven, offering quintessential South-East Asian city experiences at a really affordable price with favorable exchange rates making the Aussie dollar stretch further.

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Some of the biggest attractions that Malaysia’s captial has to offer are things like the iconic Petronas Twin Towers which are world’s tallest twin towers. The art deco Central Market is perfect for picking up local handmade souvenirs and the KL Forest Eco Park, which is the only remaining patch of tropical rainforest in the city.

Kuala Lumpur also boasts a variety of hawker markets and stalls all over the city, ranging from more traditional, to more tourist friendly.

Sounds like it’s got something for everyone!
